Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Polymer Science, From Academic to All, Open access journal-juniper Publishers

Juniper publishers- Academic Journal of Polymer Science
Authored by Cheng Chen

For over a century, polymer science has experienced many important developments, and many achievements have been made on the basis of theoretical and empirical research. Polymers have unique properties such as high strength, toughness and elasticity due to their intermolecular behavior causing by the large molecular weight and long molecular chain, which are very different from those of small molecules. Polymer compounds are ubiquitous in nature, including the protein and cellulose that make up the organism, nucleic acids that carrying biological genetic information, and raw materials of clothes such as cotton, wool and silk. On the other hand, synthetic polymers play an important role in polymer science. Such kinds of polymers are produced from small molecules via poly-addition or poly-condensation method. Nowadays, polymers are indispensable in people’s life, and the researches aimed at solving scientific problems as well as particle applications needs to be strengthened, with emphasis on spreading academic reporting articles to the public.

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