Biotechnology & Microbiology - Juniper Publishers
A study was conducted to identify the current status
of paraphisthomum infections in small ruminants in Kutaber. A total of
384 fecal samples from small ruminants were collected and subjected to
sedimentation technique. Out of 384 fecal samples inspected, 150 (39.1%)
were positive for Paraphisthomum. Prevalence of 36.5%, and 30.8% were
observed in good and medium body condition. In adult and young sheep
prevalence of 40.9% and 33.3% were identified from faecal samples
inspected respectively. The highest prevalence of Paramphistomiasis was observed in Lewcho (50.0%) followed by Beshilo (44.5%) and Elsa (42.1%). The lowest prevalence of Paramphistomiasis
was observed in Alansha (19.0%). Based on age groups the highest
prevalence rate was 40.9% observed in age category of adult and the
lowest prevalence rate 33.3% was observed in young. When body condition
was considered as a risk factor for the prevalence of Paramphistomiasis 49.5%, 30.8% and 36.5% was observed in poor, medium and good body condition respectively. The prevalence of paramphistomiasis in male (33.9%), female (41.3%) was recorded.
Keywords: Paramphistomiasis;
District; Kutaber; Prevalence; Body condition; Climate; Biochemical
disturbances; Sheep; Occurrence; Seasonal dynamics; Rainy season;
Veterinary clinic; Parasitology laboratory; Coproscopic examination;
Eggs; Sedimentation techniques; Prevalence variation
Gastrointestinal parasitism is the major health
problems severely limiting the productivity of animals [1]. Parasitism
in sheep is a substantial problem plaguing farmers. Parasitic
gastro-enteritis continues to pose a serious health threat and
limitation to the productivity of small ruminants due to associated
morbidity, mortality, and cost of treatment and control measures on a
clinical and sub-clinical level [2]. Due to improper care, unhygienic
environment, extreme climate and close contact with infected animals,
ruminants get infected with a variety of parasites [3]. Paramphistomiasis
adversely affect ruminants, causing hematological and biochemical
disturbances, anorexia, weight loss poor reproductive performance,
leading to decrease resistance to diseases which can lead to and c even
cause severe mortality thus leading to heavy loss [4]. Economically, a
decrease in profitability of up to 15% and weight loss of up to 50% due
to gastrointestinal parasite have been reported [5]. Paramphistomes play
a vital role in ruminant diseases world-wide [6], with those commonly
associated with diseases in sheep were identified to be Paraphisthomum
(P) cervi, [7], principally cause anaemia.
Paramphistomosis (or amphistomosis) is a disease
caused by digenean trematodes of Paramphistomatidae family parasitising
the rumen of ruminants worldwide. Clinical disease is confined to warmer
tropical and sub-tropical areas [8]. There are certain geographical
regions in which livestock population needs to be examined for the
presence of paramphistomum. But the overall occurrence of parasites of
digestive tract, their variation in relation to age and sex of sheep and
their seasonal dynamics was not studied adequately.
The objectives of this study were
a. To determine the prevalence Paraphisthomum
b. To know the relationship of Paramphistomiasis with age, sex, body condition
Material and Methods
Study area
The study was conducted from November 2018 to April
2019 in selected rural dustrict near Kutaber town to study the
prevalence of ovine paramphistomiasis. Geographically the area is
found in South Wollo zone, Amhara regional. It is located at 11012’36”
-11018’36” N latitude and 39031’12” -39034’12” E longitude. Kutaber area
poses highland and lowland areas. The average minimum and maximum
rainfall ranges between 500
and 955ml in short and long rainy season. The average annual
temperature is 22°C, [9]. Mixed agriculture is the main occupation
of the population of the area. The major livestock reared in the
area are sheep, goat, cattle and equine. According to statistical
data, Kutaber Woreda has livestock population of 69 720 cattle,
65 727sheep, 53 304 goats, 18 005 Equines and 104 737 chickens
Sample size determination
To determine the sample size, a prevalence rate of 50% was
taken into consideration since there was no research performed
on ovine paramphistomiasis done in the area. The desired sample
size for the study was calculated by using the formula given by
[11] with 95% Confidence interval and 5% absolute precision.
![Click here to view Large Eq 1](
Where, N=Sample size; Pexp=Expected prevalence;
D2=Absolute precision;
![Click here to view Large Eq 2](
Sample collection
Faecal samples were collected directly from the rectum of
384 sheep between November 2018 to April 2019. These animals
were randomly selected from 5 nearby districts of Kutaber.
Samples were transported to Kutaber Livestock Development
Office, Veterinary Clinic, parasitology laboratory, for detailed
coproscopic examination.
Faecal examination
Microscopic examinations of faecal samples were carried out
using standard laboratory methods of sedimentation techniques.
Eggs were identified using the light microscope and classified as
described by [12].
Statistical analysis
Data collected on prevalence and numbers of
paramphistomiasis in faecal samples of sheep were statistically
analyzed using SPSS statistics 20 software such as percentage
and Chi square test. The test statistics (Chi Square) was applied at
P<0.05 level of significance.
The overall prevalence of Paramphistomiasis in kutaber was
39.1%. A total of 384 sheep were sampled in the area, 150 sheep
were infected with paramphisthomum while 234 were negative.
The prevalence of paramphistomiasis based on gender is found to
have higher rate of infection in female 111 (41.3%) than male 39
(33.9%). There was statistically significant association (P<0.05)
between occurrence of infection based on sex sampled. The
prevalence among different age groups was adult (40.9%) and
young (33.3%). Prevalence of paramphistomiasis in different age
groups of sheep was not significant (P>0.05) (Table1&2). The
statistical analyses indicated that 33.9 % of males and 41.3% of
females were positive for the infection. Statically analysis showed
that there was statistically significant (P<0.05). On the present
study area prevalence of paramphistomiasis were found to be
higher in sheep with poor body condition than those with medium
and good body condition with prevalence of 49.7%. 30.8% and
36.5% respectively. The prevalence of ovine paramphistomiasis
in 5 district of Kutaber districts was Alansha (19.5%), Doshign
(32.3%), Beshilo (44.5%), Lewcho (50.0%) and Elsa (42.1%). The
prevalence variation between studies District (Table 3&4) showed
the highest and the lowest were 50.0 % & 19.5% in Lewcho and
Alansha respectively.
![Click here to view Large Table 1](
X2: 1.692; P>0.05 (Statically not significant).
![Click here to view Large Table 2](
(X2: 0.871; P<0.05 (Statically significant).
![Click here to view Large Table 3](
(X2: 12.125; P<0.05 (Statically significant).
![Click here to view Large Table 4](
(X2:14.981; P<0.05 (Statically significant)).
The overall prevalence of (39.1 %) paramphistomosis was
found in small ruminant those were examined that reared in
kutaber near by clinics. Lower findings were reported by [13] in
Debrezeit to be 28.9% and [14] to be 23.7%, in Ashange, Tigray.
The prevalence variation between studies District showed the
highest and the lowest were 50.0 % and 19.5% in Lewcho and
Alansha respectively. The main reason is due to variation in ago
ecology and awareness to use antihelmentics.
It was observed that the prevalence of paramphistomum
infections was higher in females (41.3%) than in male (33.9%)
sheep. This finding is in agreement with the earlier study of
[15] in Bangladesh who recorded higher prevalence of helminth
infection in females than in male sheep. Similar trend of higher
infestation rate reported in earlier work with goats where females
(75.0%) were found more susceptible to Paramphistomum
infestation than males (67.5%). Likewise, in another study,
significantly higher prevalence in females (41.61%) than males
(27.45%) were recorded [16].The reason for higher prevalence
of paramphistomum infection in the females can be assumed that
the alteration in the physiological condition of the females during
pregnancy, lactation and parturition as well as stresses leading to
immune suppression may be associated with this phenomenon.
Higher level of prolactin and progesterone hormones makes the
female individual more susceptible to any infection [17]. In other
way the male were kept for a shorter period of time than female
in the farmer house.
It was revealed that the prevalence of paramphistomum was
higher in poor (49.7%) than medium (30.8%) and good (36.5%)
body conditioned sheep. This revealed that nutritional condition
of sheep had significant (p<0.005) effect with paramphistomum
infection. The higher prevalence of paramphistomum infection
was recorded in poor (49.7%) sheep than that in good (36.5%)
sheep. This finding is in agreement with the earlier study of [18]
who found that malnourished animals are more susceptible to
any infection as they are immunocompromised. The present
study also agrees with the findings of [19,20] who repoted that in
immunocompromised animal the fecundity of parasites is usually
Age of the host had an effect on the prevalence of
paramphistomum in sheep. The Prevalence of paramphisthomiasis
was higher in adult sheep (40.9%) than young (33.3%). There
was no statically significant difference (p>0.05) in the prevalence
of paramphisthomiasis with respect to the age. In other studies,
Young animals had a low prevalence rate than adult which agrees
with those of [13] in adult 30.5% and young 15.1% and [14] in
adult 34.72% and young 11.11%. The reason behind of this low
infestation in young than adult sheep may be due to less exposure
of the young sheep to the parasite than adult.
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