Thursday, October 11, 2018

School shootings: A Review of the Characteristics and the Psychopathology of the Perpetrators(JFSCI) - Juniper Publishers

The type of school violence that draws attention, especially since the decade 1990-1999, is school shootings. The most concerning element of these incidents is that they result in multiple victims and that these victims are usually chosen randomly. One of the first incidents with random victims was the shootings by Charles Whitman in Texas Tower in 1966. These shootings were committed by juveniles that no one expected, surprising many citizens of the local communities. The random choice of victims and the incapacity to predict the next attack creates a climate of fear in the public. Due to these reasons efforts are now being focused on identifying the “profile” of school shooters. The objective of this review is the study of the individual characteristics of school shooters from 6 to 25 years old, who perpetrated their attacks from 1966 to 2008.

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