Monday, November 28, 2022

Behind A White-Collar Crime - Juniper Publishers

 Forensic Sciences & Criminal Investigation - Juniper Publishers


Money, a masterpiece of paper which is ruling the world economy. This masterpiece also plays a central and fundamental role in “White Collar Crime” [1]. white collar crimes are committed by the people of high social standing [2]. Money is the main reason which makes people who are considered as flawless in many other ways to commit a crime (or) an illegal act against law [1]. Actually, there are many other reasons rather than a coin. Many sociologists worked on this White-Collar Crimes and defined this in their very own ways. White Collar Crimes are corporate crimes which are referred as “CRIME IN THE SUITS” [1]. These are the crimes committed by a person of respectability and high social status. South Africa stands highest in the white-collar crimes according to the reports of 2018 [1]. After going through brief research by reading various articles published about White-Collar crimes, their statistics, various psychological and objective reasons behind them, this is a review article about the reasons “Behind A White-Collar Crime” [3].

Keywords: White Collar Crime; Money; Other Reasons; Crime in The Suits; High Social Standing People; Corporate Crimes; Criminological Vernacular; Bankruptcy Fraud; Anxiety; Hunger of Wealth


White Collar Crime is a crime done by people who are well educated and known. Yes, you have read that right. It’s a crime which is committed by people of high social status. If we start from the history of white-collar crime, there will be a lot to be discussed [4]. Edwin H. Sutherland in 1949, published his well renowned classic book named “WHITE COLLAR CRIME” More than fifty-five years after the introduction of the expression “WHITE COLLAR CRIME” into criminological vernacular, it became so difficult for many government officials to define this particular term [1]. This term was defined by many sociologists and government officials in their very own way. Some examples of the types of crimes generally categorized as “WHITE COLLAR CRIMES” are consumer fraud, illegal competition, price fixing, deceptive practices, embezzlement, check and credit card fraud, tax evasion, bankruptcy fraud, corporate bribery, kickbacks, payoffs, bait, and switch frauds, computer crime, pilferage, insurance fraud, securities fraud, political corruption, and fraud against the government [2]. A WHITE-COLLAR CRIME costs both financial and social costs [2]. Many people described it has non- violent results, but this crime has indirect violent results in the life of a victim [2,1]. Many people who have been affected by these white-collar crimes have ended up losing all their life savings, which has led to ruining their families and ultimately pushing them to commit suicide [4].

Even though white-collar crimes are indeed less violent, they are still very dangerous and threatening the well-being of many people and companies within a society [1]. As we jump into the reasons BEHIND A WHITE-COLLAR CRIME there various. Money plays a vital role in this crime but there are many other reasons like control in society, fear and anxiety of decreasing from the social status, lack of social consciousness and integrity, weak and ineffective internal controls of organizations and departments, greed and hunger of wealth, monetary and financial gains and ineffective corporate culture in economy [5,1]. A considerable percentage of white-collar crimes offenders are gainfully employed middle Caucasian men who usually commit their first white collar offense sometime between their late thirties through their mid-forties and appear to have middle class backgrounds. Most have higher education, are married, and have moderate to strong ties community, family, and religious organizations [6,3]. “WHITE COLLAR CRIME” is a word that we read daily in various sections of our newspapers, but we don’t even notice that these white-collar crimes are the reasons for the economic changes in the whole world. Some people don’t even know that a single white collar crime in large scale can impact the life of every individual citizen in various ways. These are the crimes mostly done by the people who rule us and who work for us in the name of the government. But we don’t even care about future, all of us want our short-term goals to be done. The increase in white collar crimes can totally collapse our whole economic scale which we have been building from years and years.

Material and Methods

This research paper is based on various articles from internet and newspapers. Many lines were extracted from the effective research papers written by the authors like Susan P. Shapiro, Edwin Sutherland, Robin Singh, Rgatz, Laurie, Cleff etc. There are numerous articles based on the reasons behind a white-collar crime and the psychological reasons behind a white-collar crime. There is an article where one can extract or acknowledge a lot of information about white collar crimes, the name of the article is “the conceptualization and research of white-collar crime” which is written by Susan P. Shapiro. this article consists mostly about the concept and history of white-collar crimes. This is the basic stage i had followed because here one can learn the roots of this white-collar crime and then eventually get into deeper. Mainly i preferred old research journal or article so that i can present the information in a most realistic way and interesting too. The old journals or articles are quite different from the latest ones the main difference is knowledge. We get to learn more information from the old journals or books written by people like Edwin Sutherland. By reading various articles, journals and books related to the preferred subject we will be able to know some basic subject vernaculars. Then we can dig deeper into the subject by reading tons and tons information provided by the technology now a days. This research article is written by following the same method.

Firstly, all you have to do is to study as many articles related to the selected topic, so that we can get a great idea to start our article. And the most important thing is to note the important things while reading these articles. So that we can frame sentences easily with those important lines and knowledge collected. Collection of knowledge is very important to write something, whatever it is. Articles are the blend of several important and great innovations of things that are collected from other sources like journals, other articles, and books. At the starting of this [7] this article, i questioned myself about these white-collar crimes, i.e., what drives people who are often seen as exemplary in many other ways to commit criminal acts? this lead me to the reasons behind a white collar crime. Then i started writing this article. When it comes to my case i collected as much as matter i can, from all the sources. I first noted all the important lines from the very article i read about white collar crime, and then written the introduction with those important points which i have noted earlier while reading articles and journals related to white collar crimes, but i also added my own lines to the article and made it a bit more interesting and different from others [1].


Through the whole research we will get to know about the reasons behind a white-collar crime. These reasons include psychological, social and all other reasons behind this crime [4]. The reasons are such as lack of accountability, opportunity to commit, peer support, greed and loopholes, Money plays a vital role in this crime but there are many other reasons like control in society, fear and anxiety of decreasing from the social status [5], lack of social consciousness and integrity, weak and ineffective internal controls of organizations and departments, greed and hunger of wealth, monetary and financial gains and ineffective corporate culture in economy [2,3]. Money plays a vital role in this crime but there are many other reasons like control in society, fear and anxiety of decreasing from the social status, lack of social consciousness and integrity, weak and ineffective internal controls of organizations and departments, greed and hunger of wealth, monetary and financial gains and ineffective corporate culture in economy [5,1].


The purpose of the study is to know the reasons behind the white-collar crime, most of the people know that the reason behind the white-collar crimes is money. But this article describes about many other reasons which lead to a white-collar crime. It has found that lack of social consciousness can also impact a person to commit crimes. And there are many reasons behind a white-collar crime, as most people quote that it’s just money but not there are many things which influence a person to commit a crime. This study has a significant reason that is it focuses mainly on the reasons behind a white-collar crime. As there are many crimes but white-collar crimes are something most of the people are not aware of white-collar crime. But this study makes you understand about the white-collar crime and its reasons and impacts too in some lines. Results included in this article reveal as many reasons as possible behind this crime but there can be any other reasons or situations that lead to the actual crime. Any situation which cannot be handled by a man leads him to the edge of breaking the law, whatever the crime is he will not be able to control it. There can be many other reasons which can be a reason to a crime but when it comes to white collar crime, even though it is done by high professionals, the greed stands first in the reasons. And the money comes the next when it comes to my opinion. When you read some of the white-collar crimes, you will realize that even though a man reaches highest position in his life or career, he is not satisfied. He always aims for another level after that. And sometimes when that thoughts over crosses it leads him to greed of becoming the only highest. But he will not be able to decide that it leads to his destruction. A greedy man who seeks more than worth, he dies disvalue. And the crimes committed by all those greedy men mostly are called white collar crime [8-14].


There can be no doubt that there are many other reasons behind a white-collar crime, than money even though it plays an important role in white collar crime. there are many other reasons like control in society, fear and anxiety of decreasing from the social status, lack of social consciousness and integrity, weak and ineffective internal controls of organizations and departments, greed and hunger of wealth, monetary and financial gains and ineffective corporate culture in economy [5,1].

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