Friday, March 20, 2020

Fixed Prosthodontics - 15 Teeth Block In Non-Metal Ceramic- Juniper Publishers


Power Presentation

Prosthetic rehabilitation and reconstruction, the whole jaw, all 14 teeth without adjusting. That this did need the following: a clear vision of what it wants to do and how (working plan).
  1. Carefully first grinding:
  1. What teeth, how much needs to be shortened.
  2. And how much should be ground to achieve parallel.
  3. Control parallel is achieved, are what we approximate footprint, and we are trying to spotlight, we find the position, when can we see lit, complete interior grinding. Parts that are in the shade, not in parallel, and they need not grind. The procedure must be repeated until the desired results.
  1. Clear and precise imprint
  2. Agreement with a technician
  1. Do not make any correction model (technician not to touch model)
  2. In as much as there are irregularities need to repeat the previous process (grinding and print).
  3. In the model and in consultation with the technician clearly formulate the problem and the way to solve the problem.
  1. Try all phases of work
  2. Rehearsal ceramics, and aligns the dental stump, as it bite, among the tooth spaces, the line of teeth, angle and arc tooth
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Monday, March 16, 2020

Different Effects of Olive Leaf on Purine Metabolizing Enzymes of Human Gastric Tissues in Vitro - Juniper Publishers

Cancer Therapy & Oncology-Juniper Publishers


Olive leaf (Olea europaea leaf) is a natural food source known to have anticarcinogenic, antiproliferative and anti-inflammatory effects in different types of tissues. Adenosine deaminase, 5’nucleotidase and xanthine oxidase are enzymes playing part in purine metabolism including salvage pathway. In the present study, it is aimed to investigate possible inhibitory effects of aqueous extract of olive leaf on different purine metabolizing enzyme activities in benign and malign human gastric tissues. Fouteen cancerous and 14 adjacent noncancerous human gastric tissues were surgically removed from patients underwent surgical operation. Olive leaf extract- treated and - not treated tissues were analyzed in vitro for adenosine deaminase , 5’-nucleotidase and xanthine oxidase activities.

Our results showed that aqueous extract of olive leaf inhibited adenosine deaminase activity significantly in cancerous gastric tissue (p=0.000) and 5’-nucleotidase activity in non cancerous gastric tissue (p=0.001). However, no significant differences were found between tissue xanthine oxidase activities. Results indicate that aqueous extract of olive leaf may exhibit anti-cancer activites by inhibiting adenosine deaminase and 5’nucleotidase in gastric tissues.

Keywords: Olive leaf; Cancer; Adenosine deaminase; 5’-nucleotidase, Xanthine oxidase; Oleuropein; Apigenin; Luteolin; Quercetin; Tyrosol; Hydroxytyrosol; Caffeic acid; Ferulic acid; p-Coumaric acid; Cancer


Cancer is increasingly becoming a worldwide public health problem. 14.1 million new cancer cases and 8.2 million cancer deaths were reported in 2012 worldwide. It is expected that by 2025, 20 million new cancer cases are diagnosed each year.The most common cancer types are lung , breast, and colorectal cancer respectively [1]. Gastric cancer is the fourth most common cancer and second most common cause of cancer deaths worldwide [2]. While radiotherapy and chemotherapy are used to treat these cancers, severe side effects can be seen in some patients. Recently natural and herbal remedies have taken attention owing to their represented ability to treat some diseases like cancer. Natural products can be used not only to treat cancer but also to prevent it [3]. Smoking cessation, fruit and vegetable intake, reducing salt intake, Helicobacter pylori eradication can help prevent from gastric cancer [4]. Olea europaea is an evergreen tree which belongs to Oleaceae family . The plant is cultivated widely in Mediterranean basin [5]. While the fruits and the oil are consumed for nutrition, olea europaea leaf has been used as a folk remedy for centuries.

Studies have shown that olive leaf has antiproliferative, apoptotic, antiatherosclerotic, antioxidant, antidiabetic, antiHIV and antifungal properties. Olive leaf contains several phenolic compounds like oleuropein, apigenin, luteolin, quercetin, tyrosol, hydroxytyrosol, caffeic acid, ferulic acid. The potential health benefits of olive leaf have mainly attributed to these bioactive substances [6]. Adenosine deaminase (ADA) is an enzyme involved in purine metabolism which deaminates adenosine and deoxyadenosine to inosine and deoxyinosine respectively. It plays an important role in differentiation of the lymphoid system. ADA deficiency related to severe combined immunodeficiency disease (SCID) .Therefore ADA inhibitors are used to treat lymphoproliferative disorders as an immunosuppressive therapy [7].

5’nucleotidases are important enzymes for maintaining nucleotide pools which dephosphorylate nucleoside monophosphates to nucleosides and inorganic phosphates. Nucleoside triphosphates necessary for maintaining vital cellular processes. Since 5’-nucleotidases are responsible for degradation of nucleoside monophosphates, they can regulate cellular energy homeostasis by changing nucleoside triphosphate to monophosphate ratio [8]. Xanthine oxidase (XO) is involved in purine metabolism catalyzing the oxidation of hypoxanthine to xanthine, and xanthine to uric acid [9]. It generates superoxide radicals and hydrogen peroxide during oxidation [10]. These reactive oxygen substances may contribute to various diseases like cancer [9]. It has also been reported that XO may be a crucial therapeutic target for some diseases like gout, cancer, inflammation and oxidative damage [11]. The present study aims to clarify possible proposed anticarcinogenic effects of aqueous olive leaf extract with regard to purine metabolizing enzyme activities of human gastric tissues in vitro.


Fourteen cancerous and 14 adjacent noncancerous human gastric tissues were obtained from patients by surgical operation. After cleaned by saline solution, fresh surgical specimens were stored at -80 °C until analysis. Before analysis procedure, specimens were first homogenized by DIAX 900 (Heidolph, Kelhaim, Germany) in saline solution (20 %, w/v). The homogenates were centrifuged at 5000 rpm for 30 min by a Harrier 18/80 centrifuge (MSE, London, UK) to remove debris. Then, clear supernatant fractions were taken for enzymatic analysis. Aqueous extract of olive leaf (Olea europaea leaf) was prepared at concentration of 10 % (w/v) in distilled water. Tissue homogenates were treated with aqueous extract of olive leaf for 1 hour.

Enzyme activities were measured in the specimens with and without olive leaf extract spectrophotometrically by using Helios alpha Ultraviolet/Visible Spectrophotometer (Unicam, Cambridge, UK). Protein concentration in the samples was measured by the method of Lowry, and adjusted to equal concentrations [12]. ADA activities were measured by Giusti method. The method is based on spectrophotometric measurement of a blue colored dye occurred after the reaction of ammonia (product of adenosine deamination) with phenol nitroprusside and alkaline hypochlorite solution [13]. Xanthine oxidase activities were evaluated by measuring uric acid formation from xanthine at 293 nm [14], and 5’-nucleotidase activities were performed by determination of liberated phosphate at 680 nm as described previously [15].

Statistical evaluations between groups were made by using Mann-Whitney U test, and p values lower than 0.05 were evaluated significant. All statistical calculations were performed by using SPSS statistical software (SPSS for Windows, version 11.5)


ADA, 5’-NT and XO activities are shown in the Table 1, and p values in the Table 2. It has been observed that aqueous extract of olive leaf inhibited adenosine deaminase in malign gastric tissue (p=0.000), and 5’-nucleotidase in benign gastric tissue (p=0.001) significantly. However, no significant differences were found between tissue xanthine oxidase activities. Although ADA activities in the treated benign tissues, and 5’-nucleotidase activities in the treated malign tissues were lower than those in the non- treated tissues, they were not significant statistically (p=0.067, p=0.062). In addition, we found no meaningful differences between benign and malign tissue enzyme activities.


Natural remedies have been used from ancient times till now in conventional Eastern medicine. It has been known that more plant consumption reduces the incidence rates of cancer. Phenolic compounds are those of the plant ingredients that represent anticancer properties [16]. Olive leaf contains various phenolic compounds including oleuropein, ligstroside aglycone, oleuropein aglycone, quercetin, isorhamnetin, rutin, catechin, gallocatechin, apigenin, luteolin, tyrosol, hydroxytyrosol, gallic acid, p-coumaric acid, caffeic acid and ferulic acid that contribute to anti-carcinogenic, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects [17].

Researchers have demonstrated that hydroxytyrosol-rich extract of the olive leaf can inhibit human breast cancer cell growth owing to cell cycle arrest in the G0/G1 phase [18]. Oleuropein and its semisynthetic peracetylated derivatives have been documented for its antiproliferative and antioxidant effects on human breast cancer cell lines [19]. Olive leaf extract’s antigenotoxic, antiproliferative and proapoptotic activities on human promyelocytic leukemia cells were previously reported [20]. Further researchers have shown that dry olive leaf extract possesses strong anti melanoma potential by reducing tumour volume, inhibiting proliferation,causing cell cycle arrest [21]. Studies have also demonstrated gastroprotective activity of olive leaf [22] and antioxidant effects on ethanol-induced intestinal mucosal damage [23].

ADA is responsible for adenosine and inosine breakdown. Inhibition of ADA blocks the deamination of purine nucleotides, and as a consequence accumulation of ADA substrate, 2-deoxyadenosine inhibits ribonucleotide reductase. This process leads to a reduction of nucleotide pool, and limits DNA syntesis [24]. Phosphorylation of deoxyadenosine results in deoxyadenosine triphosphate production. Deoxyadenosine triphosphate and deoxyadenosine both inactivate S-adenosinehomocysteinase [25] and affect cellular methylation of some substances like proteins, DNA and RNA [26]. There are many studies as to the ADA activation on different pathologic conditions. Inhibition of ADA was found to reduce intestinal inflammation in experimental colitis [27]. A study on human gastric cancer cell line has also shown that extracellular adenosine induces apoptosis [28]. It is known that chronic inflammation predisposes to gastric cancer [29]. Adenosine reflects its metabolic function by its four G-protein coupled receptors. Adenosine A2A reseptor activation possesses antiinflammatory effects on various conditions [30].

In the present study, aqueous extract of olive leaf was found to inhibite adenosine deaminase in malign gastric tissue (p=0.000), significantly. Inhibition of ADA can promote adenosine accumulation, and therefore it not only induces apoptosis but also exhibit anti-inflammatory effects on gastric cancerous tissue. 5’nucleotidases are responsible for degradation of nucleoside monophosphates. Until now, 7 types of human 5’-nucleotidases have been identified [8]. One of them is ecto-5’-nucleotidase that is also known as CD73. Studies have implied that ecto-5’- nucleotidase regulates proliferation, migration and invasion of cancer cells in vitro, tumor angiogenesis and tumor immune evasion in vivo [31]. Nucleoside analogues are used as both anticancer and antiviral agents. These drugs inhibit DNA syntesis by its active substances. Studies have shown that enhancing nucleotidase activity can cause anticancer drug resistence by inhibiting nucleoside analogue activation [8]. Moreover, Lu et al have reported that CD73 expression in malign gastric tissues is higher than benign gastric tissues. This study has also indicated that CD 73 overexpression is related to differentiation of tumour, depth of invasion, stage and metastasis [32]. However in the present study, no meaningful differences were found between 5’nucleotidase enzyme activities of benign and malign tissues. Furthermore results of the present study show that aqueous extract of olive leaf inhibits 5’-nucleotidase in benign gastric tissue (p=0.001) significantly. Although 5’-nucleotidase activities in malign tissues treated with olive leaf extract were found to be lower than those in the untreated tissues, the differences were not howevr significant from statistical points of wiew.

Xanthine oxidase is the last enzyme in purine degradation which converts purines to uric acid and hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide is one of the reactive oxygen species. Although hydrogen peroxide can play a part in oxidative damage of DNA, and promotes malignant transformation, some studies have shown that this substance is able to kill cancer cells at higher concentrations [33].It has been reported that olive leaf extract inhibits xanthine oxidase activity in vitro [34] . However in our study, we found no significant differences between tissue xanthine oxidase activity values.

Our results show that olive leaf extract inhibits adenosine deaminase activity in malign gastric tissue significantly, but does not affect xanthine oxidase activity. It seems quite reasonable that accumulation of adenosine can exert anti-carcinogenic properties by inducing apoptosis and by anti-inflammatory effects. Additionally, inhibition of ADA and 5’nucleotidase can deplete nucleotide pool which is very important for new DNA synthesis. This study reveals preliminary information about different effects of olive leaf on purine metabolizing enzymes of benign and malign gastric tissues. Therefore, further in vivo studies should be conducted to clarify possible anti-carcinogenic effects of olive leaf.

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Friday, March 13, 2020

What is Freshness?-JuniperPublishers

Journal of Nutrition & Food Science-Juniper Publishers


All nutritional advisors recommend that an ample portion of fresh food be eaten regularly. Many can define it, but very few understand what it achieves. Underlying principles, that are yet to be scientifically acknowledged, are the subject of this paper.


We can be proud of the accomplishments of biochemistry, particularly during the past century. We now know the structure of most of the substances that occur in living things, and a great deal about how they interact metabolically. However, these substances and their interactions are manifold and very complex; so far we know less about how order and grace are created and maintained in the structures and functions of living organisms. A major part of the reason for this deficiency is that we know almost nothing about how organisms arrange their substances into tissues, so fashioning, developing and maintaining their forms.
Genes get the credit for this, and certainly do explain how one generation of organisms reproduces another, and how ageing proteins within each organism are replaced with faithful replicas, day by day. But none of that gets us nearer understanding the organisation and maintenance of each organism's form in the first place - let alone metamorphosis, in species that exhibit it. This is particularly puzzling when we realise how large a fraction of the genome is shared between creatures with hugely differing bodily forms and habits. Even within a single organism, we cannot account genetically for the differences between the structures of different cell lines and organs, when the genome is basically identical in all the cells of that organism. We can propose genetic switches, but all these too would be the same in every cell. Chemical gradients and electromagnetic fields are plausible reasons for simple intercellular differences, but we struggle in vain to see how they can ever be complex enough - let alone discontinuous enough - to account for the specialised tissues, organs and systems visible to histologists, anatomists and taxonomists. As the wisest biochemists freely admit, form is beyond the scope of biochemistry.


Farming and horticulture have also developed massively over the past hundred years, devising novel crops and methods of animal husbandry; ever intensifying both inputs and yields. Agronomists and physicians lead closely parallel lives.
Besides their dependence on modern agronomy, however, farmers and gardeners still have enormous regard for the way things grow. For most of them, this is set in the wider context of a deep love and reverence for nature writ large - in a word, for life itself. They observe how neighbouring plants take account of each other; how each draws moisture and minerals from the soil, and gradually unfolds through simple to more complex forms, arriving at length at the mature crop they harvest.
Most growers will testify to the delightful flavour of a fruit or vegetable, picked fresh and eaten there and then. It explodes in the mouth. Milk straight from the cow or goat is sweet and rounded in flavour, qualities dulled by pasteurisation and storage.
But this is the stuff of cookery books and gastronomy, little of which betrays any debt to chemistry. Unlike physicians, chefs-de-cuisine has nothing professional in common with agronomists.
Biochemists have occasionally puzzled about this. Albert Szent-Gyorgyi is probably the most famous example. Having isolated vitamin C, he noted how much less potent it was weight-for-weight than in the tissue from which he isolated it. He stressed to his students, how differently chemistry proceeded in the context of a live tissue than between purified reagents in vitro. One of them went on to manufacturer nutritional supplements by growth rather than chemical synthesis, and to demonstrate their greater effectiveness as nutrients compared with their purified equivalents. Happily, this habit is spreading.
The allusion from this is that in agronomy, too, there is a gulf between the formal chemistry we understand, and the growth processes in nature which we do not yet comprehend.


We can, however, observe the difference imparted by the growth, say, of a lettuce or a cabbage. From germination to maturity, the seed unfolds through a succession of forms, fed by soil and air, and energised by sunlight. Each layer of leaves is displaced outwards to make place for fresh axial shoots. The leaves green progressively as they enlarge and ripen. But a cabbage takes much longer to ripen than a lettuce, and in the process acquires a more complex structure, more intense colour and far stronger flavour. So we can observe at least two properties that growth contributes to a plant. One is vitality, a measure of the dynamism of its growth in any moment. The other is structure, an accumulative property achieved over time through repeated cycles of this dynamic growth. Yet, if analysed chemically, the plant can still be reduced to small dead piles of purified ingredients, and water. Which tastes better, and why?
Here I submit speculations of my own, though they have some basis in Kirlian photography and circular chromatography of fresh living specimens.
Vitality is far more intense in plants grown in clean, healthy soil without recourse to chemical fertiliser or biocides. It explains the more intense flavour people report, and justifies the distinction of organic from chemical agriculture. More intense vitality, in turn, creates more robust and detailed structure in the tissue of the plant, enhances its immunity to attack and therefore its structural integrity.
Cooking plants releases their vitality in a matter of hours; hence the rather dull flavour of a baked potato, after overnight storage. Out of the oven, a similar potato tastes more gratifying because the vitality is radiating away from its tissue, to be intercepted by the taste organs of the consumer. (Cooking also bursts indigestible cellulose, breaking cell walls and making cytoplasm available to taste and digest. This offers an alternative explanation of the flavour just after cooking, but does not account for the loss of flavour in storage).
Vitality, in this sense, is an important nutrient. It can be eaten, and enhances the vitality, structure and immunity of the consumer - just as of the food it came from. This not only deters invasive micro-organisms but diminishes the risks that the structure of the body will decay or stray - which lead to ageing and cancer.
Freshness is synonymous with vitality. Raw food may possess vitality, but may have lost it gradually in storage or rapidly in cooking, refining or attack by fungi. Tubers, seeds, nuts, corms and bulbs, formed in nature to be dormant between seasons, are live and therefore fresh despite storage. Their vitality may be released by cooking, chewing or sprouting into fresh shoots.
I have not, in this brief essay, dealt with foods from animal sources. The same principles apply in a far more complex way.


Freshness is a necessary but insufficient property of the diet. It is vitality that coveys the benefit. This is ensured in any plant food item by harvesting without physical damage or fungal decay, then eating fresh or very shortly after cooking. Crops that will grow in the next season retain their vitality despite prolonged winter storage. Consuming vitality every day is vital (sic) to general immunity, and the key to preventing or diminishing all illness - in particular slowly progressive "consumptions" such as tuberculosis, leprosy ageing and cancer.

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Thursday, March 12, 2020

Metal Weapons of “Warrior’ Burials” Found in the Middle Bronze Age II Southern Levant – Economical and Social Aspects-JuniperPublishers

Journal of Archaeology & Anthropology-Juniper Publishers


Copper-based weapons including battleaxes, daggers, and spearheads from the Middle Bronze Age II (c. 1900-1600 B.C.E.) have been unearthed mainly in burials found in the southern Levant. Archaeological and metallurgical analyses of these metal weapons done recently, make it clear that in the beginning of the period, in the decorated weapons were made of tin bronze with and without arsenic while during the second part of this period we can see a decrease in the number of weapons found in graves as well as changes in the metallurgical composition into the usage of tin bronze, arsenic copper and copper with tin and arsenic. To explain these results, there is a need to look further on the possible social economical context of the “Warrior’ burials” phenomenon using metal weapons made of copper, arsenic, and tin, which are unavailable metals in the southern Levant at this period.
Keywords: Metal Weapons; Warrior Burials; Middle Bronze Age; Tin Bronze, Arsenic copper; Southern Levant; Kit; Tin; Archaeological; Funerary contexts; Society; Copper sources

Case Report and Results

More than 1000 copper-based weapons associated with the Middle Bronze Age II (MB II; ca. 1950–1550 BCE) culture have been recovered, primarily in burials, throughout the Levant (Figure 1); [1-7]. These, funerary contexts have generally been referred to as “warrior burials”, and contained individuals buried with a presumed “kit”, comprising weapons, such as daggers, axes and spearheads found on the deceased’s waist and/or next to their head (Figure 2). The “warrior burials” are dated mainly to the first half of the MBII period (MB IIA; 1950–1750 BCE) and decline in occurrence in the Middle Bronze IIB (MB IIB; 1750–1550 BCE) [6-8].

Recently, it has been shown [6,7] that less than 25% of all the MB IIA burials can be defined as “warrior burials”, and they should rather be considered to reflect high-ranking members of the contemporary society, i.e., an elite social class . The weapons in the MB IIA “warrior’ burials” were well-made, elaborate and composed of copper alloyed with up to 14% tin, both with and without low arsenic concentration [5-7].
The use of tin bronzes is considered the most important technological innovation of the Middle Bronze Age II (MBII). Tin Bronze objects are known from earlier periods, but in small quantities while the use of arsenic copper was more common [5,9]. During the Middle Bronze Age II, tin bronze was widely used to create metal objects in general and weapons [5,6,7,10]. While for production of arsenic copper one metal source containing copper with arsenic was needed, the production of tin bronze required two metal sources, one of tin and one of copper, which were in far distance from the southern Levant [11,12]. Nevertheless, no tin sources were found in the Levant and there is no evidence that local copper sources were exploited at this time, in contrast to the former periods [13-15]. In addition, almost no ingots and complete workshops from this period were found in the Levant [1,2,14-16]. This raise a series of significant questions concerning the factors that led to the widespread use of tin bronzes at this period, the sources of copper and tin, and the trading systems that brought the raw materials and the finished products to the Levant.
In addition, to date, the transition from the use of arsenical copper to tin bronze was perceived as a linear development; It was assumed that at the beginning of the Middle Bronze Age (MBIIA), most weapons, in continuation of the former period, were made of arsenical copper, while in the later part of the period (MBIIB), most of the weapons were made of tin bronze [5]. Through a detailed analysis of the available metallurgical data we have shown that the situation was in fact quite the opposite. It was demonstrated that the transition was highly complex; Tin bronze appeared quite abruptly in the MBIIA, with only few antecedents, and decreased during the MBIIB [6,7].

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Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Simultaneous Estimation of Aliskiren and Amlodipine in Combined Tablet Formulation by Simultaneous Equation and First Derivative Spectroscopic Methods-JuniperPublishers

Journal of Organic & Medicinal Chemistry-Juniper Publishers


Simple, sensitive and accurate UV-spectroscopic methods were developed and validated for simultaneous estimation of aliskiren and amlodipine in tablet formulation using simultaneous equation and first derivative spectroscopic methods. Developed methods include direct estimation of amlodipine at 365nm without any interference, since aliskiren has zero absorbance at this wavelength. Estimation of aliskiren through simultaneous equation was performed at 279 nm, while 236.8 nm were selected as zero crossing point for estimation of aliskiren by first order derivative spectroscopic method. Linearity was found to be satisfactory over the concentration range of 25-300μg/ml and 5-100μg/ml for aliskiren and amlodipine respectively. The mean percentage label claim of aliskiren and amlodipine using simultaneous equation was 99.84 and 99.85 % respectively, while for first derivative spectroscopic method it was found to be 100.36 and 99.85% respectively. The developed methods are economical and reproducible for routine analysis of aliskiren and amlodipine in tablet formulation.
Keywords: Aliskiren; Amlodipine; First order derivative method; Simultaneous equation Method; Validation


Chemically aliskiren (ALS) is (2S, 4S, 5S, 7S)-5-Amino-N-(3- amino-2, 2-dimethyl-3-oxopropyl)-4-hydroxy-7-[[4-methoxy- 3-(3-methoxypropoxy)phenyl]methyl]-8-methyl-2-propan-2- ylnonanamide [1]. It is a is a white to slightly yellowish crystalline powder. Aliskiren is the first in a class of drugs called direct renin inhibitors. It is used for essential (primary) hypertension [2]. It is highly soluble in water, ethanol and DMSO [3,4]. Amlodipine (AML) is chemically 3-Ethyl-5-methyl (±)-2-[(2-aminoethoxy) methyl]-4-(2- chlorophenyl)-1, 4-dihydro-6-methyl-3,5- pyridinedicarboxylate. Amlodipine besylate is white to off white powder, crystalline and has long-acting 1, 4-dihydropyridine calcium channel blocker [5,6]. It acts primarily on vascular smooth muscle cells by stabilizing voltage-gated L-type calcium channels in their inactive conformation. By inhibiting the influx of calcium in smooth muscle cells, amlodipine prevents calcium-dependent myocyte contraction and vasoconstriction. Amlodipine is used to treat hypertension and chronic stable angina [7,8]. Several analytical methods have been reported for estimation of ALS and its combination with other drugs which includes spectrophotometry and HPLC [9-13]. Similarly, various spectrophotometric and HPLC methods have been reported for estimation of AML and its combination with other drugs [14-18]. In the present work, a successful attempt has been made to estimate both these drugs simultaneously using dual wavelength UV spectrophotometric method. Structures of both the drugs ALS and AML are given in (Figures 1 & 2).

Materials and Methods


A double beam UV spectrophotometer (UV-1800, Shimadzu, Japan) with UV probe software version (2.31) and 10mm quartz cells was used. All weights

Reagents and Chemicals

Pure drug, Aliskiren hemifumarate and amlodipine besylate was procured from Swapnroop Drugs and Pharmaceuticals, Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India. Marketed formulation was procured from local Pharmacy. All the chemicals and reagents used were of A.R. grade.

Method Development

Preparation of Standard Stock Solution: The standard stock solutions of Aliskiren and Amlodipine were prepared by dissolving 110.5mg of aliskiren hemifumarate (110.5mg of aliskiren hemifumarate is equivalent to 100mg of aliskiren) and by dissolving pure drug of amlodipine besylate equivalent to 100mg of amlodipine in separate 100 mL volumetric flask containing sufficient quantity of distilled water, the solutions were sonicated for 5 min then volume was made up to the mark with distilled water to get a concentration of 1000μg/mL of each solution. The standard stock solutions were further diluted to obtain desired concentrations.
Preparation of Sample Solution: Twenty tablets were weighed and powdered. The quantity of the powder equivalent to 150mg of ALS was transferred to 100 ml volumetric flask. The content was mixed with sufficient quantity of distilled water and sonicated for 20min to dissolve the drug. The solution was then filtered through a Whatman filter paper no. 41 and made up to the mark with distilled water An aliquot of solution (1.0ml) was transferred to a 10 ml volumetric flask and the volume was adjusted up to the mark with distilled water to obtain required concentration of ALS (150μg/ml) and AML (10μg/ml).

Simultaneous Equation Method

For simultaneous estimation of ALS and AML using simultaneous equation method (SE method) the solutions of ALS (50μg/ml) and AML (20μg/ml) were prepared from the standard stock solutions of ALS and AML and scanned over the range of 200 nm to 400 nm. An overlain spectrum was studied for development of suitable method for analysis. The overlain spectrum of ALS and AML is shown in (Figure 3). From the overlay spectra, 279 nm wave length was selected for the estimation of ALS using simultaneous equation method. Estimation of AML was done as a single component at 365nm. The absorptivity values were calculated and were applied in framed simultaneous equation 1, which is presented as,]
Where, A is absorbance of sample solution at 279 nm, CX and CY are concentrations of ALS and AML, respectively in μg/ml.

First Order Derivative Method

Estimation of AML was performed similarly as in simultaneous equation method. For estimation of ALS first order derivative method (DR method) was applied. The zero order spectrum was then derivatised to obtain first order derivative spectrum (Figure 4). From this spectrum of ALS and AML zero crossing point of 236.8 nm was selected using 2 nm as wavelength interval (Δλ = 2) and scaling factor taken as 1 for estimation of ALS.

Analysis of ALS & AML in Tablet Formulation

The absorbance of final sample solution was measured against distilled water as blank at 279 nm for SE method and at 236.8nm for DR method while the estimation of AML was done directly at 365nm. The analysis procedure was repeated five times for marketed formulation.

Method Validation

Linearity and Range: Aliquots of standard solution of ALS (0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0, 1.25, 1.5, 2.0 and 3.0 ml) and AML (0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6 and 1.0 mL) were transferred in a series of 10 ml volumetric flasks. The volume was adjusted up to the mark with distilled water and mixed. Absorbance values were recorded at 279 nm for SE method and at 236.8 nm for DR method against distilled water as blank for determination of ALS. Absorbance values of AML were recorded at 365 nm for all dilutions. The calibration curves were plotted between the concentration of component and absorbance values of ALS for SE method and between concentration and dA/dX for DR method. Calibration curve for AML was plotted between the concentration of component and absorbance value of AML.
Standardization of the Method by Analysis of Mixed Standard Solutions: To check the validity of the selected methods, mixed standard solutions of ALS and AML were prepared. The solutions were subjected to determine absorbance values at respective wavelengths and concentration of the components were calculated.
Accuracy: The accuracy of the method was determined for both the methods by calculating recoveries of ALS and AML by the standard addition method. Known amount of standard solution of ALS and AML were added at 80%, 100% and 120% levels to pre-quantified tablet sample solutions of ALS and AML. The results are reported in terms of % Recovery

Results and Discussion

Method Development and Validation

Two simple, sensitive and accurate UV-spectroscopic methods were developed and validated for simultaneous estimation of aliskiren and amlodipine in tablet formulation using SE and DR spectroscopic methods. From the overlain spectra of the drugs it was observed that SE and DR spectroscopic methods were suitable methods for simultaneous determination of ALS and AML. Distilled water was taken as solvent system, as both the drugs were soluble in this solvent and reduce the cost of the method. In SE method and DR method, wavelengths 279 nm and 236.8 nm respectively were selected for determination of ALS, whereas AML was estimated directly at 365 nm as ALS has zero absorbance at this wavelength. Optimized method parameters for simultaneous equation and first order derivative spectroscopic methods are shown in Table 1.


The calibration curves of ALS and AML were linear in the range of 25-300μg/ml and 5-100μg/ml respectively. Regression equation and R2 values are given in (Table 1).

Standardization of the method by analysis of mixed standard solutions

The concentration of ALS and AML recovered from mixed standard solutions for both methods was within range and are given in Table 2.


The percentage recoveries of drugs from sample were determined by standard addition of pure drugs at three known concentrations and recoveries were obtained at each level.The percent recoveries for ALS were found to be in the range of 100.26- 100.40% for SE method and 99.94-100.45 % for DR method. Percent recoveries for AML were found to be in the range of 99.62-100.13% for both methods. The results of accuracy studies are shown in Table 3.

Application of the Method in Assay of Tablets

The proposed UV method was applied for the determination of ALS and AML in their combined pharmaceutical formulation and the results are shown in Table 4.

*Mean ± SD (n=3), SD (Standard deviation), %RSD (Percent relative standard deviation).

*Mean ± SD (n=5), SD (Standard deviation), %RSD (Percent relative standard deviation).


The proposed simultaneous equation method and first order derivative gives accurate and precise results for determination of aliskiren and amlodipine in marketed formulation (tablet) without prior separation and is easily applied for routine analysis. Method validation has been demonstrated by variety of tests like linearity, accuracy and validation through mixed standard. The proposed method can be successfully applied for determination of these drugs in commercial tablet formulation.


The authors express their sincere gratitude to Swapnroop Drugs and Pharmaceuticals, Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India for providing the pure drug samples of Aliskiren Hemifumarate and Amlodipine Besylate and are also thankful to colleagues and authorities of Department of Pharmacy, SRMSCET, Bareilly, U.P. who helped us in this work.

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Spices in Indonesian History and Its Revival - Juniper Publishers

Archaeology & Anthropology - Juniper Publishers Abstract This article discusses the fluctuating importance of spices in history with...