Friday, September 21, 2018

When Religion and Television Support Child Molestation and Rape (JFSCI) - Juniper Publishers

 When Religion and Television Support Child Molestation and Rape by  Scott A Johnson in JFSCI - Juniper Publishers 

This paper proffers my opinion about the frustration involved when religion and television appear to support and condone child molestation and rape. I am a forensic psychologist, expert witness, author and college professor. I am asking you think about the following.
TLC (The Learning Channel) had a show on the Duggar family, a sect of the Baptist church. The parents had 19 children and claimed that it was God’s will that they have as many children as possible and that God decides how many children they have. This show depicts almost unrealistic family values.
FACT: Conceiving a child has little to do with God. Sperm and Ovum meet and there is a 50/50 chance that a pregnancy will result. What about having as many children as you can reasonably financially support and reasonably and effectively parent? How did they pay for their children, oh wait, their show “19 kids and counting” and TLC. They as Baptists fail to accept responsibility for how many children they have, not God. Perhaps birth control or abstinence? Wow, hypocrites. Is it written in their Bible to have as many children as possible, I missed that book in the Christian Bible (not sure what version they use that supports having as many children as possible) [1,2].

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