Thursday, March 21, 2019

Compatibilization Potential of Ionic Liquid-Based Surfactants for Polymer Blends- Open access Journals- Juniper Publishers

Juniper publishers- Academic Journal of Polymer Science

Authored by Ahmad AdlieShamsuri
The development of the polymer composites industry has been very encouraging in the past years. The polymer blends have also been received considerable attention, this is due to the blends are easy to prepare, their production cost is low, and so on. At the present time, bioplastics such as polylactic acid, polyhydroxybutyrate and polybutylene succinate are gaining consideration due to their excellent biodegradability, biocompatibility and non-toxicity. Blend between bioplastics and biopolymers (for example; cellulose, zein and starch) to produce bioplastic/biopolymer blends have attracted the researchers’ interest. Besides, the produced bioplastic/biopolymer blends may also be able to be used in fabrication of biocompatible and biodegradable products. Moreover, the utilization of expensive synthetic bioplastics can be reduced through consumption of biopolymers this can further lower the cost of products [1,2].

Nevertheless, the blend approach suffers from low physicochemical properties due to incompatibility in the blends system. The compatibility between the bioplastic and biopolymer is very low, thus results in reductions of their performance, particularly in the mechanical, thermal and rheological properties. The incompatibility is due to the bioplastic which wholly non-polar (hydrophobic) [3], while the biopolymer is naturally polar (hydrophilic) [4], and therefore the importance of compatibilization on the blends could not be ignored.
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